5 Simple Ways to Look Taller with Properly Fitted Clothing and Shoes

Many girls are much worried about their height. Having good proportions and being fit, they can be lost against the background of high girl friends. But there are some tips how to use clothing to 'grow up'.

Tip 1

Neutral shoes. If you choose beige heeled shoes, your legs would look longer.

Tip 2

High waist. Clothes with a high waist visually shift you up, making the overall look taller and more slender.

Tip 3

A monochrome image. This solution visually enhances the height and allows to avoid errors with colour combination.

Tip 4

Vertical stripes. They elongate the figure.

Tip 5

Wide-leg trousers and heels. You see — they work!

I hope this article has given a piece of advice!