DIY Project: A Wet-on-Dry Watercolour of a Pomegranate

Let's try to paint a pomegranate today :)
The picture is very simple, everyone will succeed.

Step 1

Take a square paper up to 25 x 25 cm, fix it.

Step 2

Draw an outline with a pencil. Leave more space at the top.

Step 3

Begin to fill the background. the fruit is red, so make the background contrasting: ultramarine, blue, emerald green.

Step 4

A little technical secret: before the paint is dry, press a piece of film against it.

The more folds, the better! Wait 5 min.

Step 5


Step 6

Fill up the fruit. I mixed scarlet and cadmium orange.

Step 7

Process the shadows: I used alizarin crimson.

Step 8

Waiting for complete drying and add a new layer: scarlet with alizarin crimson.

Step 9

Paint a unifying shade.

Step 10

Apply a simple geometric pattern with golden gouache and acrylic.

Ready! The result:

It looks great in interior!

Well done!

Sincerely yours,