Creating Cute Bugs from Sea Vacation Pebbles

The summer is over and I'm sure many of you have been on vacation at the seaside, and some might have taken seashells and pebbles as memories :)

Today we are going to paint stones and make charming bugs of them :)

You need:

1. Pebbles.

2. Primer.

3. Acrylic paint.

4. Brushes.

5. Acrylic varnish.

To start with, wash the stones need, dry and apply one layer of primer.

When the primer dries — it takes about an hour — paint the stones from two sides with two layers.

And now the most interesting! Let your imagination run wild and draw patterns, eyes, wings, anything.

I painted with my niece (10 years old) and son (4 years old). Children love it!

When the paint dries, varnish the pebbles (one layer is enough).

And here are the finished bugs! :)

I hope the DIY was useful for you :)