Creating a Mzinchaleft Bracelet in the Wire-Wrap Technique

I want to share with you a story of creation of my favourite piece of jewelry — a Mzinchaleft bracelet. I often draw inspiration from magical mystical universe The Elder Scrolls. I'm especially impressed with the huge complexes of abandoned ruins. A mystery lies in these megalithic constructions, something ancient and deep that evokes imagination. This time I was inspired by the mysterious city of Mzinchaleft, full of metal automatons and whoosh of hot steam...

I needed quite a little:

1. Copper wire, diameter 1 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.4 mm and 0.25 mm.

2. Large agate beads resembling the colour of larimar.

3. Three beads of coral, with a diameter of 3-3,5 mm.

The tools:

1. Tools to work with wire — round-nose pliers, wire cutter, half-round nose pliers.

2. Rolling mill or jewelry hammer with an anvil.

3. Polishing tools.

4. Sulphur liver for patination.

So let's go.

1. Create a sketch. Prepare all materials and tools.

2. Take the 1 mm wire and make 3 main frame parts. Make them extremely symmetrical. It is important!

3. Roll the blanks through the mill (or beat with the hammer). Then polish. So, the details are "'burning'!

4. Proceed to assembly. Join the frame parts with the 3 mm wire. See that there was strict symmetry.

5. Attach the next detail. Correct irregularities.

6. Fix the agate bead into a special clip made of 0.6 mm wire.

7. Next is my favorite part — decorating. Use the great power of your imagination!

8. Delicately wrap the frame with 2.5 mm wire, insert coral beads and create 'fish tails'.

9. Gently bend the bracelet around your wrist. Important: do not hurry to avoid excessive deformation.

10. Patinate the bracelet in solution of sulphur liver. Then polish the bracelet with polishing wipes.

11. Voila, the lovely bracelet is ready! Thanks for reading :)