Sand Сastles of Magic Beauty

If lying on the beach under sunrays doesn't inspire you, and children ask to play with them, then the perfect option would be to show your skills and imagination and model a little sand castle together. You can make slides, canals, tunnels, bridges, sculptures (people, animals, fairytale characters, etc.). Just two basic ingredients, sand and water, arer available in abundance.

It turns out that sand sculpting is no longer a kid's play. There are sand sculpture contests for adults, the World championship of sand sculptures, also known as Harrisand, takes place in Harrison Hot Springs (Canada, BC) since 1989. Sculptors are competing solo, in pairs and teams. The competition involves huge structures of sand and takes a dozen of days. Sand is mixed with water, clay and glue to make the material viscous.

Hundreds of annual competitions are held around the world. Methods can be quite complex, and great achievements are recorded in the Guinness Book. The world's highest sand castle was built on Myrtle Beach in South Carolina for the Sun Fun Festival in 2007. The sculpture was 15,1 m heigh. it took 10 days and 300 truckloads of sand.

I offer to your attention a selection of the most interesting and unusual sand castles on beaches all over the world.

Pleasant viewing!