Brooches: A Fashionable Accessory from a Granny's Jewelry Box

Among a huge variety of women's jewelry, one of the most popular accessories types is brooches. Women have forgotten about this accessory for a little while and it could be found in a grandmother's jewelry box mostly. But now, brooches conquer the world of fashion again and leading designers give preference to this jewelry because it helps to create different images even without changing clothes.

The first brooches were fibulas used to fasten clothes.

In the Middle Ages, agraffes decorated outfits, they were pinned on clothing.

During the early Renaissance, fibulas and agraffes almost ceased to be used, and came back to fashion in the 17th century — they aqcuired hidden meanings, like fans, and ladies had several types of the accessory.

In the 18th century, a brooch was similar to the accessories we have now.

Artists of the 19th century were fascinated by the world of insects. They ordered detailed sketches from entomologists.

Thus, Art Nouveau started using this idea and the idea of natural motifs.

One of the biggest lovers of brooches is Madeleine Albright , the first woman to hold the post of the U.S. Secretary of State. There are about 300 brooches in her collecton. She used them to suggest her mood. For example, if Albright attached ladybugs and butterflies to the lapel of her jacket , colleagues saw the lady in a good mood. If she wore crabs or turtles, it was a sign to speed up the negotiation process for politicians.

One of the first fashion shows with brooches was held by Chanel. This idea had immediately spread among designers, and soon the brooch could be found at any fashion show.

And here are some modern brooches. Hundreds of thousands materials are used to create them nowadays.

One of brooch types is cameos.

Another techniques is enamel brooches.

Remember, one little touch makes a woman unique and attractive!