The Whole World from Threads and Nails

I continue a series of works created from thread and nails.

You need:

1) wooden panel 40 x 60 x 1.8 cm;
2) stain;
3) varnish;
4) nails (I used 25 mm);
5) hammer;
6) thread (I used silver silk and white nylon);
7) paper for sketching;
8) glue;
9) sandpaper;
10) titanic patience.

It begins as usual — find a sketch and print it.

Prepare the board: sand it, wipe, paint, varnish. When it is dry, apply the pattern and hammer the nails along the contour.

Then remove the pattern.

And wind thread on the nails with tension.

I selected chaotic winding.

In tight spaces I used tweezers.

The final touch was to wind the thread once again along the contour. And all is done! I give myself 9 of 10. And which mark would you give?