A New Life of an Old Kerosene Lamp

It remembers being wrapped in crispy paper. Then it was brought to a house, unpacked, poured kerosene inside and began to give light and warmth for a big family. Time passed, the kerosine lamp is beaten, dirty, rusty, without some details.

I want to tell you how to restore such wonderful lamps.

Bath it in warm soapy water. Rust and dirt slowly start to fall off.

The remaining loose rust is dried to be turned into tiny flakes.

Дoose rust can be treated with a special spray. For example like this:

Then it is removed with a steel brush.

And then a new outfit is selected.

I chose a little blak dress — special paint for metal. All parts are oiled and the wick extends.


Here's a story with a happy end. And the only possible end for the kerosene lamp is a new home and new owners whom it would serve faithfully for many years.