The Italian Men's Clothing Style — What's the Secret?

The Italians have a unique and amazing feature — an ability to dress so that they're wanted to be looked up to.

I have long been living in Italy and I still marvel the style of the Italian men. Even boys of 10-12 years old, going to a birthday of a classmate, carefully choose clothes and have a hairstyle made with the help of their mom :) Little sharp dressers :)

My husband works as a lawyer and even where, in theory, a strict dress code should be, the Italians manage to look unusual and stylish.

It happens that a jacket and trousers are made of different color and fabric — it's called spezzare — and look great on them!
Or an interesting knitted tie is used. As for shoes, they are chosen extremely carefully. So, enjoy the set:

1. Scarf

Scarves are always popular, the Italians wear them day and night, winter and summer, with a suit or sports jacket.

2. Shoes

If a man has only one pair of shoes, they will quickly become worthless if they don't fit the image, they will automatically look cheaper than they are. The Italians pay great attention to shoes, they are of natural materials (leather, suede..) and good quality.

3. Glasses

Details are known to make the image, so the Italians, both men and women, usually have many glasses and select them for each outfit. They wear them at noon and night, inside and outside. But only if they are a part of the image.

4. Careless sloppiness

The Italians call it sprezzatura, carefully chosen sloppiness when it seems that one puts on all what was at hand. But it is not so of course. :)

5. Hairstyle

The Italian men tend to have lush hair and rarely wear short hairstyles. They're not afraid of dying or lightening hair, take care of their beard and moustache.

6. Fitted shirt

They wear shirts everywhere: at work, on a picnic, when shopping or having breakfast in a nearby coffee shop. The most popular color for shirts under a jacket is blue in different variations. But the most important thing is a fitted silhouette! They often turn up sleeves, it looks very elegant: come to work, take off the jacket, unbutton the sleeves, a few movements of a hand and voila :)

7. Layering in clothes

This means that when you look at yourself you will be able to see all the clothes that you are wearing, except, perhaps, lingerie. The more elements you have, the more Italian you are dressed.

8. Quality sweater

The classic version — a sweater with a fitted shirt and a scarf over.

There's much to learn from these trendites! I hope the tips will be useful :)