Relief Painting in a Modern Interior

Our house is a living space where each corner should be homey, and there is a great plenty of materials and technologies nowadays to do it. For walls also. And a technique like relief painting can be considered as a true art.

I want to present young artist and designer Andrey Gusev. He was born in Kazakhstan, and his current residence is Ivanovo, the city where I live, my homeland. Andrew has been running a studio for 10 years with his young team.

All photos are published with the permission of the author.

Here's what Andrew says about his work: "The themes of paintings can be any: sea, city, landscape, portrait, patterns, however, the main motif is vegetables and flowers. These could decorate any space."

The creative process:

Decorate your home, enjoy it, relax and create in it.

Good luck!

Tatiana Saloon