7 Simple Rules for Making Your House Homey

Home is such a warm and important word! Comfort at home is an important and essential part of our life. After all, this is YOUR home, where you sleep, relax, spend your happiest time.

I want to share with you my experience of creating the atmosphere of coziness and warmth.

Here we go!

  1. 20 minutes for cleaning? Easily!

Spend at least 15-20 minutes a day on cleaning. And then you will not have to spend an entire day on it, and your house will always be neat!

Maintain cleanness. I made a list of things you can do for 20 minutes:

- vacuum the floor

- wash the dishes and the shelves

- wipe the dust

- put everything in its places

- wash the plumbing and clean the mirrors

I do these little things every day, it is very easy :) and you don't need to spend a whole day on cleaning the whole house.

2. Everything in its place

Make it a habit to put a thing in its place immediately after you've used it. Alternatively, do it at the end of the day.

The result is on the shelves; clothes is not hanging anywhere, and you are relaxing on a sofa enjoying your free time :)

3. Organized storage

Think what and where you use, and keep the things there.

4. Get rid of rubbish

Sort things:

- that you use daily

- periodically

- that are not used more than a year.

The third category is safely thrown away! Feel sorry? Give the things in the right hands or place a sale advertisement.

Memorable things are not concidered, I have a separate box for sweet notes, cards and other small triffles.

5. Add decorations

Now, when you have free space, you can fill it with new decorations. The ones you like most of all.

Posters, a new flower, blanket, pillow for a sofa or a new carpet.

6. Play with lighting

Emphasize the sweet corners of your rooms you've decorated.

7. Festive dishes not only for holidays!

And I offer you to set the table more often and make "restaurant" dinners, as I call them. Take candles, beautiful napkins and cook a delicious and simple dinner. Lay all gadgets aside, turn off the TV. Talk with each other. Do this once a month, it's very inspiring and relaxing. You start your own tradition which will help you feel at home like "on holiday".

Good luck!