How to Model DIY Heart Earrings

Today I want to show a simple tutoral on polymer clay modeling — how to make these fluffy cute hearts.

You need:
1. White and red clay.
2. Rolling pin.
3. Blade.
4. Toothpick.
5. Stencil made of cardboard in the shape of a wing.

Roll a small ball.

Squeee it with and sharpen the bottom to make a triangle.

Make a hollow with a toothpick on the top.

Make a texture with a toothpick or a needle.

Roll out white plastic.

Carefully cut out the wings along the contour of the stencil.

So you should have:

Pre-bake the small heart so as not to damage its texture. After cooling, glue it to the two wings laid together. Bake.

After cooling, add findings. Th earrings are ready!

The stencil for the wings.

I wish you all success!

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