Embroidering a Tit Brooch with a Satin Stitch and Ribbons

I suggest you embroidering a pretty titmouse with a satin stitch to create a textile brooch.


- fabric for the base (I had hand painted white gabardine)

- embroidery floss in two shades of yellow, yellow-green, two shades of grey, two shades of blue, also white, black, brown, green

- green satin ribbon 6 mm, pink satin ribbon 6 mm

- Czech beads 10 — yellow, black petrol, golden (that's what I had, and you can experiment and use any colour and size)

- cardboard

- batting

- brooch pin


- tracing paper

- ruler

- pencil

- black marker

- pen

- Pilot Frixion pen

- compasses

- instant glue Moment Crystal

- thread

- cotton

- monofilament

- needle for embroidery

- bead needle

- chenille needle (tape)

- scissors

So, let's begin.

The first thing to do is to choose a picture. I used this one:

Draw the pattern, first, a circle with the compasses, 5 cm diameter, then transfer the bird from your computer screen — the size you need, paint flowering twigs with buds at the bottom by hand, then trace all with the marker.

Then transfer the pattern to fabric trough a window glass with the Pilot pen (which is then easily removed by iron steam). Tone the fabric beforehand with green colour and insert the fabric in a hoop.


Work with one thread.

First of all, embroider the pupil in a circle with black floss, put a highlight on it and embroider a cheek with white floss (direction of stitches is shown in the photos). Don't make knots, the thread is fixed either on the right side with several stitches on a free space (which is then hidden with embroidery) or the thread is passed under stitches on the backside.

Black thread is used for the lower part of the beak and a stripe on the belly. Leave the black thread because is will still be useful, do not cut it off.

Use a light shade of grey for a lighter area on the wing and a highlight on the beak.

Dark grey is used for finishing the grey part of the first wing and for the wing behind.

Needle floss white and embroider the white part of the wings.

Blue — for the inner part of the first wing, lower part of the head and the tip of the tail.

Dark blue — for the remaining part of the tail, head and wings and the lines on the white part of the wings.

Light yellow — for the central part of the belly, dark yellow — around it.

Yellow and green thread — to embroider the back.

And black thread to emphasize the tail, wings and legs.

The bird is ready! Start the twig. Brown floss is used in two threads (you can take two shades of brown) to embroider a sprig with a feather stitch.

Pink satin ribbon is inserted into the chenille needle (or just a needle with a wide eye), make a flat knot and embroider flowers and buds with a straight stitch. The stitches are not tightened strongly, leaving them voluminous.

The flat knot:

And it is a straight stitch:

The leaves are embroidered with a ribbon of 6 mm, use a ribbon stitch to get a sharp end. It's better not to make large tights on the backside and more comfortable to cut the ribbon.

Ribbon stitch:

Green floss, similar to the colour of the ribbon, is used in two threads for a few stitches to make sepals on the buds. The stitches are laid over the tape, do not tight it much.

Sew a few beads in the center of the flowers.

It's time to move on to the brooch assembling.

Cut out the embroidery with a seam allowance about 1,5 cm. Hot steam iron, remove the drawing.

Cut out: a circle from batting with a diameter of 5 cm, two circles from cardboard: diameter 5 cm and diameter 4.6 cm

Glue the batting to the circle of a larger size, sew embroidery in a circle, with a running stitch, put a circle with the padding inside and tighten.

The circle of a smaller diameter is glued on the top. Take a clasp for a brooch, find its location.

Glue the intended place with the instant glue. Wait when all sets.

Take a piece of felt larger than necessary for the lower part, make vertical cuts with a length of approximately 5 mm at a distance from each other to freely pass the needle and clasp, apply.

Glue the piece of cardboard properly together with the clasp, apply the felt, press. Wait until the glue dries.

Carefully cut out the felt to trim the edges. Here's what you get.

The last thing to do is to embroider the edge with beads. Pick up beads, pass the monofilament, make a knot and introduce the needle between the layers, pass it on the back side of the brooch. Pick by one bead, pass through both layers to the top.

Follow the scheme:

Begin the second row. Introduce the needle with a thread into the bead of row 1 from the bottom up. Pick by three beads: one black, one golden, one black. Pass the needle into the next bead.

When you reach the end, fasten the thread.

Our titmouse brooch is ready. Admire the result of your work!

Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely yours,
