How to Make a Rug of Remains of Laminate and Cord

I want to show you a floor which I made about three years ago as a temporary one. But as people say, there is nothing more permanent than what is temporary.

Three years ago, when the apartment was new, the task about the floor on the balcony was this:

1, The floor must be FREE.

2. The floor should fit the floor in the apartment.

3. It's a south side — so the balcony gets hot, and the materials should be natural.

4. It shouldn't require painstaking cleaning.

5. All should be done in no more than a day.

At first I thought there should be enough residual cork (cork laminate) which we used for the whole apartment, but there were too little. I thought I need to somehow "stretch" these remains on the floor.

So, I needed:

1. The remains of the floor covering. I think any will work.

2. Ruler, marker.

3. Drill.

4. Electric jig saw.

5. Jute twine or other threads that you like.

I apologize for the photo quality. I failed to wait for sunny days — and shot at the light of gloomy weather :)

You need to collect all remains of the laminate. I had two colours.

Outline equal squares on the laminate. Mine were of 10 x 10 cm. Ask your husband, brother, boyfriend or father to cut laminate into these squares and drill the holes as shown in the photo. The location of the holes may also be marked, but my husband drilled them by eye.

This is the back side of a square.

Cut cord into equal segments. In my case it was 18 cm.

If you have squares of different colours or textures, it is possible to lay out them in any pattern.

You need to thread the cord into two holes that are on the same side of the square.

Next, turn the blank, take one square and tie it with the one that already has the cord.

Turn over the blank and knot both ends of the same thread.

There are no rules here. The challenge is to link all the squares.

Thу back side of what I got:

Here is a photo of the right side.

It was quite fine and enough for the entire floor.

Barefoot, I like walking here. Knots do not interfere. To do the cleaning, I wipe it down with a damp cloth.

I hope somebody can use this idea. I wish everyone creative mood!