Hiding an Easter Egg in a Rabbit: Kids' Craft Project

We played hide-and-seek:

- me

- my seven-year-old daughter Kitty

- a piece of fabric

- and wadding

- thread

- and egg

We didn't play long (10 minutes), but it was a great fun!

Kitty here suggests that one could take a paper napkin instead of a piece of fabric. So, start playing!

One, two, three, four, five — here I come!

Step 1. Lay out the fabric

Step 2. Looking for a thread and tie the ears, hide the wadding, wrap the thread around the neck and twist around the front paws at the lower edge.

Step 3. Fix the front paws and make hind legs.

Here's the rabbit for hiding!

If you don't have time to paint eggs or just want to play hide-and-seek — this is a great idea!