How to Make a Traditional Slavic Doll on a Spoon

A doll on a spoon is a toy doll. It was done in haste to let mothers do thier housework.

This is a girl doll.

It is called a doll on the spoon as a wooden spoon serves the base.

You need

- spoon

- 3 natural pieces of cloth

- lace (optional)

- ribbon

Wrap a spoon in a cloth (or sheet wadding, or something similar).

Fix it with red thread crosses.

Make tassels: fold like candies, bend and fix with thread.

Lay out the cloth for sleeves.

Fix from the back side.

Turn it outside in.

Tie the hands to the body.

Sew the skirt along the edge and gather its upper part. You can sew on lace to the hem.

Put on the skirt and tighten the thread. Fix with a thread, sew a ribbon belt or lace.

Tie a ribbon on the head.

Put on a kerchief. The doll is ready!

Enjoy creating and playing!