How to Paint a Sea Sunset with Gouache

Let's paint a picture Pink Sunset step by step.

I used

- 10 nylon brush

- gouache

- sheet of watercolour paper

To begin with, tone the whole sheet white.

In this work it is important not to overdo much with a wet brush, especially when painting water, as when mixing, colours will not give the right effect.

Apply blue and purple, stretch the colours with the brush over wet white priming.

Paint the sun, or rather apply some yellowish paint and a track from sun on the water.

Try not to mix all the colors on the sheet.

Apply orange, may be mixed with white, make it less bright.

Darken the horizon and the sea with purple.

Apply an outline of a city on the horizon with a thin brush. Kids usually draw trees.

Dab a boat and the shadow under it, do not blur, otherwise there will be brown spots. Your work should be layerwise.

Draw ripples on the sea and cloud.

I hope you've done a good job.

I wish you good luck and creativity!

Sincerely yours,

Olga Matvienko