DIY for Kids: Toys of a Chocolate Box

There is usually a special cover paper in chocolate boxes that you just feel pity to throw away. So an idea came to my mind: to use this material for children's craft of contrast appliques. The idea is that the basic piece and the details are cut out of different colours.

The simplest one could thimk of is mushrooms. So cut out two parts of the mushroom from white paper. It's easier to fold paper in half and cut two parts at once, but children should better cut separately.

Here is the pattern.

Cut out two caps from brown paper.

Glue the caps to the mushrooms, the mushrooms are stuck together.

One can insert a skewer inside and put the white mushrooms under the Christmas tree!

If you dream up, you can come up with interesting ideas using simple images. Like these:

The pattern:

One more:

So, the beautiful piece of paper did not get lost in trash, and helped us to learn how to cut, glue, combine colours and spend time in an interesting and useful way!