Nyusha from Smeshariki: How to Make a Wire Car Pendant


1. Wire, 0.35 mm and 1.1 mm

2. Beads

3. Seed eads

4. Half-round nose pliers

5. Pencil

6. Paper

7. File

8. Diagonal cutting pliers

9. Hammer

10. Anvil

11. Not very smart hands

12.Not very bright light

I received an unusual order to make a pendant for a car mirror — Nyusha from a popular cartoon Smeshariki.

The long search came to an end when I was over with the final sketch and my misunderstanding about how to fix the face and provide pink pig colour?

I decided to fasten the face by eyes, and leave the bottom free; the colour would be provided with beads.

Patina is unnecessary, the piglet is not so old.

I used 1.1 mm diameter wire for the base.

The legs would dangle in rhythm with the car.

The braid and fringe would be fixed separately. All was slightly hammered to fix beads better to the contour.

The face... and the snout needs to be worked on.

The legs...

They dnagle great.

Let the eyes move. The red beads on the snout did not look well, so I replaced them with pink beads.

The beads were used along the inner contour.

Attached the logo of the cartton with a white bead over the braid.

And the Nyusha is ready.

Wish everyone interesting work and creative madness.