Earrings with Butterflies: How to Paint on Nacre

I welcome everyone! :)

Today I had a small tutorial in miniature painting on nacre.

I used oil paints: black, white, ultramarine light, crimsone lake.

For a last couple of weeks, I was on a butterfly wave — used such patterns everywhere :)

The work begins with a sketch, drawn on paper and then transferred using tracing paper and nacre blanks.

The process is shown on the photos below, I began to draw the butterflies with the contours, outlined the body. I took black paint and added a bit of crimson lake and ultramarine (not necessarily, though). Of course, the task is simple, but requires carefulness.

It is drying out. After that, the white lines are easily removed.

The next step was colouring all "wndows" of the wings, with the chosen colour transfering into white in some places — that is seen in the photo (the dabs are, for example, dark purple and white, then they are shaded with the brush to create a smooth transition). I selected a purple pinkish palette. A couple of "windows" were left unpainted as the nacre glowed nice. Unfortunately, the photos were taken at different times of the day, so the lighting is different.

The drying step. I fixed the lines with dark paints and proceeded to spots on the wings. I used pure white colour, and finished the body, added the antennae and tarsi. At the end, I added some thin whte lines on the edges of the wings.

Again, the drying step; after that the earrings are varnished. You can use different varnishes (spray, water-based, etc.), I applied several layers of a two-component auto varnish.

Added some findings, that's what eventually came out:

Here's another butterfly on nacre:

Thank you for your attention! :)