Recycle Decoration DIY: What Do You Have in Your Overhead Closet?

Anyone would like to have a photo shoot against a great background. What if you are not satisfied with the sets in a studio or you want to take shoots on your own? Recycle an old cardboard box into a great decoration!

The scenery looked like this

But Iwanted to see something handmade and incredible..

So, get started.

There should be a fireplace in the middle. It's winter still... since the scenery is designed for kids' and family photo shoots, it needs to be easily assembled and transported. Therefore, my husband and I decided to make the fireplace of cardboard... We gathered an impressive amount of this available material.At first it looked so

Thank God, we quickly abandoned the idea to leave it this sizeGradually, inch by inch, the future decoration gained its final size.

While my husband was painting the cardboard, I decided to find something in the overhead closet, what had been dusting without any use. And voila!!! I came across a mirror in a horrible black plastic frame..

As a result, the mirror frame had lost its mirror ... What is remarkable, acrylic paint did not want to stick to this plastic, the paint gathered in droplets. But the more drops it had, the older it looked — and I got the effect.

I also found an old chair. But! As my husband told, this chair is very special This chair was bought by his grandfather in 1917, in China! And it does it credit.

We removed thу old varnish, coated with two layers of acrylic paint. As the seat was damaged beyond repair, we fixed it with 5 cm of polyurethane foam, upholstered with fabric. And I glued a silver sord to the edge.

And then I became unstoppable Sooo, what do we have here...yeah, an old suitcase...

A good one, sturdy, but BROWN!!! And I didn't want any brown, I wanted white! Again, the sponge, acrylic paint and sandpaper!

Ssad! It's too sad and black inside. Again, I upholstered it with the same fabric.

And all of a sudden! I awfully wanted to have a knitted rug! No problem! 225 m of a clothesline, the largest hook in the history of mankind and the rug is ready!

Wanted to take a breathe... but there it was! Husband gifted me his old clocks without hesitation.

Well, of course! How could I forget! Is there a fireplace without clocks? Noo!) They were also pinted... but I came across some words on the back.. The clocks turned out to be champion's!

And then I was really inspired.. I found scraps of fabric and rolled them into a cone pine tree. And the little elephant came in handy.

And this is the result of my work!!

Bbut where was the fireplace?.... It was drying out, slightly soaked and deformed

But I still had to finish with the clumsy and miserable thing. I bought foam skirting boards and stuck them. Slightly aged with brown paint and voila! Looks cool, I think!!!

It has came right from the last century! The transportation was a task, but we drove to the studio and began to work miracles!!!

Just look at that! Oh, and a sock was quickly sewn, too.

HOORAY!!! It's picture time!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!What do you have in your overhead closet???