How to Carve a Stone Nautilus Ring: Step-by-Step Guide

Most often, jewellery art is a standard set of tools and techniques, sometimes more or a little less. But there are also thoughts and ideas which can't be fulfilled with ordinary tools.

And uncommon means may come in handy. Working with wax... In fact, one should have a little of a sculptor at least. And if not, do not get upset, just imagine what want to see in the end.


I usually start with the stone. This time I have a smoky quartz of a fancy shape, quartz with chlorite and amethyst — and suddenly I decided that a marine theme is for them. And why not add some geometry here? I would add some portholes, so the ring will be called Nautilus. Actually, the process of inventing and sketching is a different story, I will drop it now...

So, you need:

- jewellery jig saw with a thick sawing

- scribing compasses

- bar compass

- drilling machine (any, but better take the one that retains the power at lower turns) — with two or three mills and a dozen of round burs of different sizes

- a scraper (very well fixed)

- onglette graver (any number)

- a few pieces of sandpaper with the grit of 1200-2500

- and modeling wax of a good quality

To start with, cut off a piece from the blank of the desired size

Then mark out and fit to the size of your finger, you should have it in mind - the correct calculation of shrinkage comes only from experience, sometimes you have to make the size more, sometimes less.

Then almost the most important part — the mark-out. Removing all unnecessary and peeling with the mill. The main thing is not to get involved too much, wax is still soft...

Smooth the surface with the scraping tool and sandpaper. And cut out the contours with the onglette graver.

Mark out the portholes and carefully paerfect them with the onglette graver, and rusticate the rest of the surface within the contours, make the texture.

And then remove all excess from the top and inside. Smooth the inner surface with round burs of different diameters. It is important not to make the side too thick - it will be difficult to make it in metal.

In fact, the work in wax is almost over... It remains to check everything carefully, because even the smallest scratch in a wrong place will result in a scratch on the metal surface, and it is much easier to dispose of the defect in wax.

Here's one more couple from another wax.

Now casting! Then add a setting, polish, fasten, make it shine and get this.

Of course, it's so smooth in words. But in reality it will take much time and there will be scraps and mistakes until the hand feels the material , but... the result, in my opinion, is worth it!

And remember — everything what comes out from under your hands is one and only item ever!