Making a Cat Brooch of Carded Wool

It happened so that when creating this brooch, I took photos of the entire process for my sister and friend. Such a mini tutorial turned out :) The photos have remained so I decided to share them with you :) I apologize for the quality, I used my phone. Well, as it is :) The most important is that the principle of creation and the steps are clear.

To create the brooche, take:

1. Wool — I used carded one. White is basic (can be replaced by sliver), and dark and light grey colours for the top

2. 38* needle for felting (I roll brooches from the begining to end with this needle)

3. Eyes — I used handmade glass ones (learned to make them on my own, not as beautiful as some eyes in stock, but I'm satisfied)

4. Scissors for cutting for the last stage

5. Dry pastel and brush for toning

6. Acrylic marker for black fabric

7. Fishing line for whiskers

8. Piece of leather for the back of the brooch

9. Brooch pin

So, let's start?! :)

To start with, felt a flat round basis. Place the eyes as shown in the photo:

Add wool over the eyes, form the face below.

Keep modeling the face.

Decided to change the eyes. With these ones, the cat looks cuter :)

Build up the forehead.

Apply ears.

Emphasize the nose with an acrylic marker.

Begin to paint the cat :)

Small bundles of carded wool! Felt as shown in the photo.

And trim almost all. The surface is very soft, the fur is thick. This effect is not achieved in any other way.

That's all :) I think it is clear how to sew on the pin and glue the back side.

This is my first DIY, please do not throw boots into me :) Constructive criticism is welcome!

Thank you for reading until the end!