DIY on How to Colour Accessories

Today I will talk about one of the easiest ways of colourful patina coating.

Firstly, I am not a jeweller and do not posess professional terminology, so I apologize in advance for inaccurate wordings.

Secondly, it is difficult to make what I will tell you about straight away, without the necessary tools and materials. But! It is such a time when everything is available for purchasing, and one can buy all what is needed.

Materials and tools:

1. Findings the color of which you want to change

2. 712 chemical patina and finishing coating

3. Torch. I have a torch which I use for soldering

4. Citric acid. Usual from the shop

5. Mini drill. Mine is Dremel

6. Brush

7. Tweezers, metal container, fireproof surface - even a brick, for example

8. Water

So, we begin.

Our subject looks like that: it has blackening and protective layer of varnish to avoid oxidation upon contact with skin.

My goal is to remove all gloss for a better chemical reaction of patina and metal.

Prepare a container of water and tweezers.

Light the torch.

Heat the item until all varnish and blackening burn out, lay it on the fireproof surface. I have a brick.

Put the hot item in water for cooling. Take out and admire. Now the item is in soot - black and grimy. It should be sent to chill.

For that, you need citric acid, water, the metal container, gas/electric cooker. I will not say exactly the proportions of citric acid and water - I have about 1 little spoon per 70 ml of water. Put all ingredients in a bowl and brew on the stove - let the sauce boil and get ready.

Bleaching of metal can be done in another way - put a pill of aspirin per half a cup of hot water, then the metal item into the liquid - the result is the same. Citric acid is more efficient and familiar to me.

Here's what happened after 10 minutes of boiling in citric solution. The bleached item on the left.

Now dry the finding and start the ritual.

Brush, 712 chemical patina, findings — all bought in an art shop.

Apply patina to the surface with the brush and leave to dry. I like more to dry the item in suspension — the table is not getting dirty and the patina is not erased from the side that is on the table.

The moooost interesting picture.

1 - item before all treatments

2 - one layer of patina and drying. Already beautiful! But I wanted something even more beautiful

3 - two layers of patina and drying. Wow! Blue-green surface and purple speckles. One can already stop, but...

4 - put the 3 item in water and dry it. It acquires turquoise and bright light patina

You can stop at any stage - just find the favourite shade.

Now it's time to take the Dremel with a nozzle without abrasive to find out some metal from under the patina.

Remove a layer of patina on slightly protruding points, without much pressure of nozzle and... the item is shining, breathing.

Patina, obtained this way, is a fragile coating and can be easy lost. To secure patina, coat the surface with the finishing varnish, let it dry, and the beauty will long be a delight for eye.

Thank you for your attention!