Polymer Earrings with Immortelle Flowers DIY

Prepare the following materials and tools:

1. Polymer clay of two or three colours

2. Knife

3. Modeling round stick for rolling out petals

4. Gloves (in order not to leave fingerprints)

5. Two pins and a pair of earring wires

6. Pasta machine

7. Surface for baking (I used glass)

8. Immortelle flower as an example (you can use pictures of flowers from the Internet)

9. Crumpled ball of foil or something to stick pins into when baking (sponge for washing dishes, half of a raw potato and so on)

10. Toothpick

11. Cutting pliers

Choose the colours of polymer clay from which you are going to model a flower. I picked colours similar to the real ones of immortelle; for that, I mixed red purple and white to obtain the desired colour, and also mixed white and yellow for the second piece. You can make any other combination.

Join these 2 pieces of clay and make a smooth transfer of colour with the paste machine. I will not describe it in details, there are lots of tutorials on this topic on the Net.

Fold it up and roll on the last mode of the pasta machine (mine was 8) to get a long thin sheet with colour transition.

Fold like an accordion.

Make a sausage and roll it out so that there was colour transition at the cut.

Squash the sausage so that the cut turned out into a drop.

Cut the sausage into thin plates — the future petals of the flower.

Put each petal on your palm and roll with the stick booth lengthways, so that it became thinner and elongated.

Take a pin and form a drop of clay scraps at the end.

She begin to lay petals on it, with a little overlap at first.

Continue laying the petals one on another, fixing them at the bottom of the bud.

When attaching the petals of the last layers, and turn them back from the bud to make it open and lush.

Insert the pins with the flowers into a foil ball and put in the oven to bake (for 30 min). Let the flowers cool down, cut off the pins with the cutting pliers at the back, apply to the flower at its back side and plaster the pin with green polymer clay. Make texture with a toothpick.

Put the florets on a sheet of white paper and bake again. Such flowers come out.