How a Stone Sculpture is Born

Materials: stone, rasp, chisels, drilling and other machines.

I received a lot of questions after my first tutorial about how I do this or that...

This time I will show how I usually create my sculpture.

The sculpture is called Kotofej.

Take a stone, I found an anhydrite. Initially I only knew that it would be a cat.
Look at it, find a cat :)

Making a scetch of the animal.

Grind all extra edges.

Finally, the shape is seen.

Draw the scetch on the blank again.

Then process all with the cutter. At this stage, a piece of the foot chipped.
I grinded the chip, leveled all, and the cat became shorter - the stone knows best :)

It's the turn of the rasp.

Sometimes more solids pieces are coming across. So take a file.

Make the face with the drilling machine.

The eyes.

Smooth the lines with a chisel.

Make pupils with a dental drilling machine.

After that, perfect the sculpture with different types of sandpaper and cover with hot wax.

After polishing and waxing, draw the lines on the face with a needle file.

This time, the soot will remain because one needn't tone the whole face, but a coulple of lines.
Use powdered coal for toning.
Toning remains just so, but I secured it with a special varnish for stones.
(It is sold as an aerosol, so you get the effect when spraying it at 20-25cm, that is, a thin layer).

Actually the beast is ready, and the pattern of the stone made the sculpture unique :)