How to Quickly Make a Photo Background

You can make a background of a white A1 paper.

A1 paper is one of the simplest and most affordable options for a background. It is sold in any bookstore or stationery and is inexpensive. It's dense, big and overall good white background for a photo. By the way, you can take any colour.

In addition take a chair, tape and scissors.

It's preferable to take pictures with natural light, that is, in the daytime. It is desirable to have a DSLR camera or to take pictures in macro mode.


1. Take the chair, A1 paper, scissors and tape.

2. Roll out the paper on the chair and stick it with the tape to the back.

3. Put the item.

4. Come closer with the camera and take some pictures. One of them is bound to be good :)

Let's complicate the task. Make a background with drapery.

Any piece of fabric that you like can serve as a drape. Also, it is possible to use any material, for example, a scarf or a tippet with a beautiful print.

The paper background will be most useful if the fabric is thin and a little see-through.

Straighten the fabric on the chair, put your item and take pictures.

I hope these simple tricks will be useful and provide you with new ideas.

Good luck and success to you!