Homey DIY: Spice-Cakes with a Hand Painted Icing Fishnet Pattern

Today I want to tell and teach you how to paint a gingerbread or spice cake. Easter is coming, so today we will paint an Easter egg.

Such painting always looks smart and it's not difficult to learn, the most important is to follow the advice and be patient.

For this painting you need:

- spice-bread in the shape of an oval (also can use gingerbread or sugar cookies, at your discretion)

- white thick icing for contour (I used sugar and white-egg icing. To make the right consistency, you need 1 white-egg and approximately 200 g of riddled icing sugar and some drops of lemon juice

- needle (with the help of the needle you will correct all irregularities or remove the incorrect lines)

- cross stitching pattern

- disposable confectionary bag with an Ateco nozzle 00 or a zip pack (cut off one corner, making a small hole)

Well, let's start.

To begin with, draw the contour of the oval using icing (I do this in order to have the border within which I will draw the fishnet). Having drawn the contour, start drawing horizontal lines. Each of the lines drawn with a distance of 1.5-2 mm from each other. In order to make a line, you are to start squeezing icing from one side of the spice-cake and slowly lead the line to the other side. Don't lift the bag high, keep close to the surface. If the line is interrupted or curved, carefully remove it with a needle and draw it again.

After you're over with the horizontal lines, proceed to vertical ones. For this, I just turn the spice-cake and continue working. Apply vertical lines over the horizontal, thereby forming the fishnet.

This is the result:

Wait for 10-15 minutes, until the spice-cake dries up, and begin to apply the pattern.

Transfer the pattern using the same glaze. Choose any cross stitch pattern and get down to creating)

Approximately count the meshes in order to place the main pattern in the centre. Begin to put the dots according to the scheme. To put a dot, gently squeeze a drop of icing out of the bag in the right mesh (make dots not so big, try not to go beyond the edges of the meshes, otherwise when you put the dots one after another, they merge altogether).

Thus, you will fill all required meshes. When the basic pattern is applied, but much empty space is left - fill it on your own (lines, blocks, etc.)

The drawing is done, I congratulate you! Now do the edging with dots of a larger size. For this, put dots with a small distance from each other along the oval edge.

Our spice-cake is ready! Let it dry for 2-3 hours and it can be packed/presented.

I hope my tutorial was interesting and clear. I will answer all your questions with pleasure.

Sincerely yours,

Tatiana Asantewa